Products and Services
A pass™ is a product assurance supplier statement.
A pass™ is prepared by TBB as an independent third party. It is TBB’s own brand of product technical statement. It is a widely-recognised and well-accepted consenting tool that can be used to demonstrate Building Code compliance, and can be used by designers, specifiers, installers and as a tool to provide evidence to building consent authorities that a product complies with the Building Code.
Product supplier?
With pass™ you can provide your compliance information in a standardised, reliable, easy to read format you know the industry trusts.
Your pass™ can also be used to provide much of the information required under the new building product information regulations (BPIR). See our FAQs for more information.
Establishing that a product complies with the Building Code can be difficult. TBB’s technical and regulatory expertise will help ensure you have sufficient evidence to demonstrate your product complies with the Building Code.
TBB can also prepare evaluations of installation details or tested metrics to support your pass™.
pass™ are renewed and updated annually.
Designer specifying a product? Council staff assessing consents?
With pass™ you can be sure
the evidence to support the pass™ is reviewed by TBB and there is sufficient evidence to demonstrate the product complies with the relevant clauses of the Building Code
all evidence that supports the pass™ is available or can be made available
TBB evaluations of installation details or tested metrics support the pass™ where necessary
the pass™ has been prepared in accordance with MBIE PTS guidelines
the pass™ process is AS/NZS ISO 9001:2016 certified by GlobalMark as a JAS-ANZ accredited third party
the pass™ is renewed and reassured regularly to ensure information is up to date and can be relied upon.
Technical documentation
Good technical documentation helps make a building product more usable and more marketable. Product suppliers should provide information for use by designers, installers, and building owners.
TBB will provide an end-to-end service to create high-quality, branded documents in a usable, standardised format, ensuring robust regulatory compliance.
TBB can evaluate installation details or tested metrics to help product suppliers demonstrate compliance with the Building Code.
Evaluation of installation details
Evaluation of installation details can help demonstrate Building Code compliance with installation details are found to be comparable with standard details e.g., those provided in Acceptable Solution E2/AS1.
Evaluation of product metrics
The assessment of new products against the New Zealand Building Code is often based on implied, first-principled based assessments using descriptions or solutions contained in Acceptable Solutions, Verification Methods, cited standards, New Zealand recognised product testing, expert evaluation or appraisal.
This approach often duplicates the testing and assurance that has already been carried out in other countries where testing is often based on harmonised European standards, international ISO standards or ASTM international standards for products.
An evaluation of product metrics is intended to bridge the gap between overseas standards or supplier specifications and the New Zealand building regulatory system.
TBB provides consultancy services to product suppliers that wish to obtain a CodeMark product certificate for a product.
TBB can assist with:
Obtaining quotes from Product Certification Bodies
Providing guidance on and supply of applicable technical documentation resources
Providing guidance regarding quality plan requirements
Preparing the compliance folder and application
Coordinating with the Product Certification Body about the scope and limitations and conditions
Document and certificate review
Audit review.
Read our Quality Policy.